Smart controller With LED turn on control 12864 Version

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Added a small function which is LED backgroud light control circuit to smart controller , with shorting the pins to decide the LED turn on all the time or turn on 30 seconds and than turn off automaticly.IF you used to start the printing jobs at night and get the parts at the next morning , that means with the new modification LCD back light will not annoying you any more ,you can make the time of light turn on longer or shorter by adjust the TRIMM R4 100K form 10s to 2mins. Hope you will like that .

This controller is 100% compaitble with original design .That mean you can use the original RAMPS adpter.

Marlin V1 (new)

==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: [1] In "Configuration.h” Change “#define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER” (just remove the // at the beginning) Upload the firmware, power off the Arduino, connect the panel, reapply power, and everything should work.


12864Schematics: Media:Lcd12864 schematics2.pdf

As firmware we used Marlins'[2] sources, to update the firmware in the future you just need an Arduino board, so you are good to go ;)


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