Assemble Manual of Geeetech Acrylic Prusa I3 (5mm)

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Prusa i3.png

Prologue Note: This manual only applies to the 5-mm acrylic Prusa I3. We have another one that is 8-mm.

As picture is much more helpful than words in assembly manual, so I use plenty of pictures and less word.

Unfold the package and take all the parts out to check the condition of the items.

Assemble Y axis (the bottom part of the chassis)

1.1Assemble the rods of a Y axis

Required parts Part ID
M10 450mm threaded rod
Acrylic Fender
NO.A 12
M8 spring washer
M10 washer
M10 nut

Step1. Assemble the threaded rod

Thread the nuts and washers on the two M10 threaded rods separately. The order should be:
M10 washer > M8 spring washer M10 screw > M10 screw > M10 washer > >A 12> M10 washer > M8 spring washer > M10 screw > M10 screw > M8 spring washer > M10 washer

Prusal I3 manual pic6.jpg

Step2. Assemble the Y axis smooth rod

Slide 2 bearings on each smooth rod. Before you slide the bearings please make sure they are clean. (Ignore the black one in between)
Required parts Part ID
M8 410mm smooth rod
LM8UU Linear Bearings

Prusal I3 manual pic7.jpg

Attach the front and rear Acrylic support plates of the rods

Required parts Part ID
Acrylic plate
M3 nut
Acrylic Fender

Prusal I3 manual pic10.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic11.jpg

Assemble the Y idler

Required parts Part ID
624ZZ Ball Bearing
Printed Y idler
M4 X25 screw
M4 nut
Y bearing limit block
Retaining ring

Prusal I3 manual pic12.jpg

Step1. put the M4 X 25 screw into the end of the Y idler, from outside to inside, and screw it up with a M4 nut.

Step2. Put the screw through the printed Y idler piece, with the 624ZZ bearings in between. Lock the other end of a M3 nut.

IMG 1349.jpg

Step3. Mount the assembled idler onto the front support plates.

Prusal I3 manual pic13.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic14.jpg 1354.jpg

Mount the Y motor

Required parts Part ID
Y-axis motor block
Stepper motor
M3 screw
M3 nut

build the printing platform

Required parts Part ID
Acrylic plate
Acrylic plate(No.A17)
Printed belt mount
Zip tie
M3 screw
M3 nut

Step1. Mount the belt mount on the bottom side of the plate.

Step2. Get the build platform plate zip-tied to the 4 linear bearings.

Prusal I3 manual pic28.jpg

Step3. Attach he heated bed.

Required parts Part ID
Heat bed
Heating wire(No.A17)
Attached on the bed
Thermometry wire
Wing nut
M3 screw

The circled part need soldering.

Assemble Y - Z axis

The main frame is held upright after the acrylic fender washers on the Y axis threaded rods. The front of the plate should be sticking out a lot further than the back.

Prusal I3 manual pic32.jpg

Assemble the right and left side panel

Required parts Part ID
Acrylic left panel
Acrylic right panel
Acrylic rear block
Zip tie
M3 screw
M3 nut

Prusal I3 manual pic33.jpg

Mount the rear part of the Y axis and the side panel together.

Required parts Part ID
Acrylic left panel
M3 screw
M3 nut

Prusal I3 manual pic34.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic35.jpg

Assemble the Z axis (the vertical axis)

Step1. Assemble the Z-axis bottom mounts

Required parts Part ID
Acrylic left panel
Acrylic right panel
Stepper motor
M3 screw
M3 nut

Prusal I3 manual pic36.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic37.jpg

Assemble the 2 Z motors

Prusal I3 manual pic38.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic39.jpg

Mount the fan on the left side

Required parts Part ID
M3 screw
M3 nut

Prusal I3 manual pic40.jpg

5Assemble the X axis (the horizontal axis)


Step1. Assemble the X-Axis Idler

Put the screw through the printed Y idler piece, with the 624ZZ bearings in between. Lock the other end of a M3 nut.

Required parts Part ID
624ZZ Ball bearing
Printed Y idler
M4 X25 screw
M4 nut
Retaining ring
X-axis optical axis bracket

Step2. Mount the idler into the following part

Prusal I3 manual pic47.jpg

Step3. Assemble the 2 smooth rods.(380 mm)

Slide 2 bearings on the each rod as shown in the picture.

Prusal I3 manual pic48.jpg

Slide the X-axis motor-end and the idler-end onto both ends of the smooth rods. The X-axis motor-end is on the left and the idler-end on the right. This is going to take some force, or you can use file to make the holes lager.

Mount the brass nut on the following part.

Prusal I3 manual pic47.jpg

Insert the rest bearings into the bracket of both end of the smooth rod.

Prusal I3 manual pic50.jpg

Thread the threaded rod through the following part. It would be easier to do it now.

Prusal I3 manual pic51.jpg

Mount the aluminum plate under the extruder.

Fix the two pulleys on both if the threaded rod. And plug it on the motor shaft.

Prusal I3 manual pic52.png

Assemble the X-Z axis.

Required parts Part ID
Z-axis top mount

Step1. thread the X-axis through the Z axis.
Step2 assemble the top mount of the Z-axis.

Prusal I3 manual pic53.png Prusal I3 manual pic49.jpg

Mount the extruder on the X axis

step1. Thread the zip-tie through the extruder bracket.

Prusal I3 manual pic55.png Prusal I3 manual pic56.jpg

Step2. Mount the extruder bracket on the smooth rod and insert the two bearings into the bracket. Tie up the Y belt then.

Prusal I3 manual pic57.jpg

Step3. Amount the extruder support.

Prusal I3 manual pic58.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic59.jpg

Step4. Mount the extruder

This is the fully assembled MK8 extruder.

Prusal I3 manual pic60.jpg

Take the nozzle part and the bolt out.

Prusal I3 manual pic61.jpg

Required parts Part ID
MK8 assemble board

Prusal I3 manual pic62.jpg

Fix the assembled extruder on the blue part. Pay attention to the direction of the motor and the fan.

Prusal I3 manual pic63.jpg

Pay attention to the exit of the red wire, it will affect the final wiring steps.

Prusal I3 manual pic64.png

Mount the X-axis motor

Prusal I3 manual pic65.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic66.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic67.jpg

Assemble the belt.

Prusal I3 manual pic68.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic69.jpg

Pay attention to the tooth mesh of the belt and the part in red circle.

Prusal I3 manual pic70.png Prusal I3 manual pic71.jpg

Mount the end stops

End stop of X-axis

Required parts Part ID
X-axis bracket of end stop
End stop

Prusal I3 manual pic72.jpg

End stop of Y-axis

Required parts Part ID
End stop
Z-axis bracket of end stop

Prusal I3 manual pic73.jpg

Note the direction of the switch.

Prusal I3 manual pic74.jpg

End stop of Z-axis

Required parts Part ID
End stop
Z-axis bracket of end stop

Mount the LCD panel frame

Prusal I3 manual pic77.png Prusal I3 manual pic75.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic76.jpg

Mount the filament spool

Prusal I3 manual pic78.jpg

So far, the framework of the 3D printer is almost finished.

mount the control board on the left side panel

Ramps 1.4 + Mega 2560 + A4988

Stack the Ramps 1.4on the Mega 2560 and plug the 5 A4988 on the Ramps 1.4.


Plug the 5 A4988 on Sanguinololu

Mount the PSU on the right side panel

Prusal I3 manual pic79.jpg

Prusal I3 manual pic80.png Prusal I3 manual pic81.png

Pay attention to the switch on the right side of the PSU, there are two options of voltage: 110 V and 220V, choose according the standard in your country.

Prusal I3 manual pic82.jpg Prusal I3 manual pic83.jpg


PSU wiring

Prusal I3 manual pic84.jpg

Do make sure you connect the wires correctly, otherwise it may lead to damage to the control board and the PSU.

control board wiring

1)The referring wiring schematic diagram of Ramps 1.4
Prusal I3 manual pic85.jpg

For more information about ramps 1.4, please visit the ramps 1.4 wiki.

2) The referring wiring schematic diagram of Sanguinololu
Prusal I3 manual pic86.png

For more information about Sanguinololu, please visit the wiki page.

Note: when connect the other Y-motor, use the 4-pin M-F DuPont cable and pay attention to the directions of the wire. If you connect them reversely, the 2 Z motor will move in different directions.

Look at the colors of the wire.

All the wires can be tied together under the printer, but you should make sure they don’t touch the belt.
Prusal I3 manual pic88.jpg

The whole printer assembly work is already done.
Next is the testing and debugging.