BMP085 Barometric Pressure Sensor Breakout

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This is a breakout board for BOSCH BMP085 digital barometric pressure sensor.This breadboard-friendly board break out all pins of BMP085 to 6-pin pitch header.BMP085 offers a meauring range of 300 - 1100hPa with an absolute accuracy of 2.5hPa and a noise of down to 0.03hPa.At the same time,the BMP085 features low power consumption of down to 3uA.The sensors supports a voltage between 1.8 and 3.6V. It's designed to be connected directly to microcontroller via I2C bus. The very small and ultra-thin package make the BMP085 the sensor of choice for any mobile application requiring precise barametric pressure meaurement.


  • Digital two wire (I2C) interface
  • Wide barometric pressure range
  • Flexible supply voltage range
  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • Low noise measurement
  • Fully calibrated
  • Temperature measurement included
  • Ultra-flat, small footprint


Here is the guide illustrates how to connect an Arduino to the BMP085 breakout board.

BMP085-3.jpg File:BMP table.jpg

Example code

BMP085 arduino example code

How to buy

Click here to buy BMP085 Barometric Pressure Sensor Breakout