A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

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A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

Post by crusader27529 » Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:51 am

I ran a simple print through the GeeeTech supplied color program to layer the 2 differnt colors, and the result was just one color.

Yes, I imported gcode, set the configuration, executed the color update, saved the new gcode.

I uploaded the new gcode to my OctoPrint box to print, and it didn't work as expected. The printer was initailly set for 50/50 mix, and when the print started, the info panel showed 100/0, and it never changed.

So, the question is simple......how do the Marlin setting for mixing interact with gcode? How do conflicting settings work? If I set a mix, and set also set it to some gradient setting, how does this all work?

GeeeTech needs to respond to this question........

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Re: A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

Post by William » Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:35 am

Hi, you can refer to this:
L@H9E(EI{WV}8B(~4FAZAI0.png (10.86 KiB) Viewed 4672 times
and have you set a position where the color print starts and ends?
I hope this can help you.
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Re: A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

Post by crusader27529 » Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:29 am

Of course.......

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Re: A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

Post by crusader27529 » Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:48 am

I wish someone would address the interaction of the mixer firmware settings.

There are several settings for the mixer that appear to interact/conflict, depending on the sequence..........

Is there anyone knowledgeable about the firmware functionality for the mixer????

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Re: A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

Post by William » Thu Aug 22, 2019 1:53 pm

Hi, Can you provide a video or picture of your specific operation?
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Re: A01M Extruder Settings/Priorities

Post by crusader27529 » Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:30 am

I try to print the colored gcode file, and it just prints one color.....

I think that the issue is the firmware and the gradient settings. I think that they must be both 0 for the gradient to work from the gcode file. The gradient works when setting the gradient start and stop points manually, but that's not what I want.

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