This time something easy to do. Not only is it easy, it is also very helpful.
I'll present a small improvement to make it very easy and reliable to load your filament.
The whole process can be divided into two stages.
- cutting off the edge of the Teflon tube,
- making an additional homing element.
The first step is to cut off the inner edge of the tube with a very sharp pointed knife.
The tube is very smooth and hard, so be careful not to cut yourself.
The next stopper is making an additional element to be placed in the bracket - pneumatic connector PC4-01.
I made it by cutting off the apex of the special screw. This cut off piece of screw has a height of less than 3mm. It must all fit into the hole. It must not protrude out of it a little.
A sincere greeting to all the owners of the M201.