I homed all axes and leveled the bed then loaded my stl file, sliced with Slic3r and hit print.
The printer tried to print the first layer about 2 mm above the bed - disaster. Searching the forum I found a number of posts regarding strange homing behaviour on the X axis. So I started to plough through the firmware source. In the file "Configuration_adv.h" I found this section:
Code: Select all
//homing hits the endstop, then retracts by this distance, before it tries to slowly bump again:
The idea of this is that, if homing is done at high speed, the axis might overstep the switch actuation position with inertia so it retracts and tries a second time more slowly. The software assumes that the retraction is enough to de-activate the end-stop switch. If the switch is not de-activated by the retraction the software assumes that it has reached the activation point and stops any advance.
Changing the last line to
Code: Select all
It must be about time that Geeetech updated the firmware on the website and installed in supplied kits to fix all known problems - please.