Burned GT2560 MeCreator 2

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Burned GT2560 MeCreator 2

Post by illusive » Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:06 am

Hi All,

Bought a MeCreator 2 a week ago. I've been happily printing with it without problem.

Today just when I finished a print(ABS with 110C bed) I noticed the hotend cooler fan wasn't spinning. Thinking maybe it's a software glitch I restarted device a few times. No change. All axis worked normally but the fan wasn't spinning.

At that time I noticed even though the usb cable was unplugged, bed temperature was still climbing. On the LCD panel it read (112/0). Tried turning it off from the LCD. Didn't work. Bed kept getting hotter and hotter. I shut down the power switch.

After that I decided to take a peek "under the hood". Here is what i saw:

(Image is too big for the board)

I'm assuming that's a blown mosfet and it used to control the fans. Question is why the heated bed keeps running? Does that tiny mosfet also control the heated bed?

Doing a visual inspection, I don't see any other component that looks damaged. So if i changed that thing, would the board start working? Or should a ask for a replacement board? Does anyone know part number for that mosfet?

Here is another picture of the board.

(Image is too big for the board)

EDIT: Apparently it's 7R030 logic level mosfet and i can't find it locally. My best option is to replace the whole board i think. As I don't know what else might be damaged... Here is the data sheet for it.

EDIT 2: Took the board out, checked the mosfet with multimeter. It's source is shorted to drain alright. There are 3 other mosfets of the same type on the board I wonder if one of them could be unused. Wish there was a schematic for this board somewhere...

EDIT 3: I think those other mosfets are for the additional hotends. As I have only 1 hotend, I thought I could replace the broken one with one of them. Thing is, I don't have the tools or experience to desolder SMDs. I asked the seller for a replacement board. Waiting for response.

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