G2s pro Z axis motor

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:43 pm

Thank you for the info you posted. But I also need to know what rail is which axis. One set of instructions had it going clockwise as you are looking at the front of the printer, the other counter clockwise...both ways went against the positions etched on the base plate. Do not get me started on how many times I had to go to ace hardware cause either not enough, or the wrong part, was in my kit hardware wise. But I am wanting to see this run because I have seen it work and liked it. So as miffed as I am I still want to get this as far as I can to where it's either working or a quivering pile of parts from my failed attempts to rebuild the million dollar man (yes old school tv reference).

I will attempt a fresh firmware load once I have the physical issues taken care of (axis position, stops switched to match...etc.). But being I've had this issue from square one with a non modified firmware...I'm not feeling confident but hoping to be surprised.

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by William » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:54 pm

platypusdr wrote:Thank you for the info you posted. But I also need to know what rail is which axis. One set of instructions had it going clockwise as you are looking at the front of the printer, the other counter clockwise...both ways went against the positions etched on the base plate. Do not get me started on how many times I had to go to ace hardware cause either not enough, or the wrong part, was in my kit hardware wise. But I am wanting to see this run because I have seen it work and liked it. So as miffed as I am I still want to get this as far as I can to where it's either working or a quivering pile of parts from my failed attempts to rebuild the million dollar man (yes old school tv reference).

I will attempt a fresh firmware load once I have the physical issues taken care of (axis position, stops switched to match...etc.). But being I've had this issue from square one with a non modified firmware...I'm not feeling confident but hoping to be surprised.
You can find what rail to which axis,can't you?
And let me know what test you have already done?(The 4 tips i posted.)
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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:41 am

I need to know, when looking at the front of the printer, which rail is which axis. I have 3 difference sources of information and all three differ.

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:53 am

And to answer your question, I've swapped driver boards, I've check voltages, I've swapped motors and cables. The problem always stayed on the Y channel output of the board. The question of which rail is which axis is because I have one piece of information that the rail to the right of the display is Y, and another telling me it's Z, and another telling me it's X. I just need to know, when looking at the front of the printer, which axis is which. I will then rewiring it correctly and attempt to reload the firm ware and redo the setting changes. But what ever motor is plugged into the Y axis will run the arm connector shuttle up and down when the spider is disconnected from it. As soon as any weight is put on the motor attached to that spider it will just sit there and shudder or run backwards. I'm not confident that reloading the firmware will fix this, as this was doing this from the first power up and the only thing I've changed concerning the motor is the start up voltage and the direction to get them moving in the correct direction.... but like I've said before, once I get the printer physically the way it is suppose to be, then i'll be able to focus on the firmware to make sure I didn't get a bad board in my kit.

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by William » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:04 pm

You can find the corresponding axis on the top plate,see the red marks on my pic:
QQ截图20160913180155.jpg (68.25 KiB) Viewed 12573 times
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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:50 pm

Thank you for the picture, I'm assuming that if I rotate it, and looking at it from the LCD screen, that the X is on the left of the screen, Y on the Right and Z in the rear. In my kit the bottom plate was etched with the X Y Z, but since the plate is symetrical and there were no clear directions on which way the etching side is supposed to mount. I'll double check my motor axis and switch axis (as well as operation) tonight and then reload a fresh firmware on the board and see what happens.

thank you

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Wed Sep 14, 2016 12:18 am


This is a video showing a bit more of my issue. During the first part you will see the motor slowly move down when it is supposed to move up and it is making a horrible noise. In the second you will see it move quickly up during home. The only difference is a power cycle to stop the motor from bottoming out the shuttle.

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:37 pm

I've verified the mechanical assembly, I've verified the end stop switches and I reloaded a fresh non modified firmware and I still have the same issue. I am currently removing the board to take it to my lab and inspect it, but I suspect a faulty connection of some sort. I am also noticing pictures of heat sinks on the driver boards, my kit came with none. I am beyond frustrated with this kit. I am going to continue to attempt to get this going, but am really looking elsewhere for the next ones I buy. Sorry that I'm frustrated but I've been working on this kit since almost the beginning of the year and have hit nothing but hurdle after hurdle with parts, bad design, and it now looks like I may have received a faulty board... and yet still finding I may have been missing parts (heat sinks).

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by platypusdr » Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:02 pm

Ok, I took the board off and inspected it. I am a bit livid to say the least. I've lost countil of cold solder joints, and even some conceptions not soldered. The solder splash was also not pretty. I work in repairing boards that go in aircraft and this is pretty bad work. I'll post my pics tomorrow.

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Re: G2s pro Z axis motor

Post by William » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:59 pm

platypusdr wrote:Ok, I took the board off and inspected it. I am a bit livid to say the least. I've lost countil of cold solder joints, and even some conceptions not soldered. The solder splash was also not pretty. I work in repairing boards that go in aircraft and this is pretty bad work. I'll post my pics tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that...
Waiting for your updates.
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