I have completed assembly of my M201 (my very first printer) managed to get a test printed.
Here are some of the initial issues I encountered;
- Had to make my own X end stop out of a coffee stirrer.
Had to extend the Z end stop as the supplied was too short. Used a piece of threaded rod cut to size.
Had to adjust the stepper motor boards to stop X and Z motors stalling. I adjusted each so the voltage between ground and wiper is approx. 1 volt. Not sure if this is correct for non - extruder drivers?
Uploaded the firmware to 1.0.4. I did this purely based on the forum comments, so I didn't encounter any problems myself.
The test print is based on this http://makerware.thingiverse.com/thing:1019228 and has come out reasonably well for a first attempt, but not perfect.
I used pronterface for the SW, which itself used slicer for the preparation. My first question I have is does anyone have a good set of defaults for slicer specifically for the M201? I have seen a few on the forum but not sure they are specific for this printer, with it's dual extractor setup and all.
Second question, I am thinking of replacing the aluminium bed with a glass plate as it is not particularly flat and I expect this to be an issue with larger prints. How is this done? does the glass then go straight onto the heater? or over the aluminium? is any heat transfer medium used?
Thanks in advance