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A10M cooling fan won't run automatically

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:25 pm
by PhilAustA10
The hot end cooling fan does not run when printing or ant time really. This causes melting in the PTFE tube and poor adhesion. The fan itself is ok and can be made to run from the menu by changing the value which is always zero although there is no speed control there. It must not be getting a command to run when the nozzle heats up. I have tried a factory reset but nothing works. Any ideas?

Re: A10M cooling fan won't run automatically - Solved

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:43 pm
by PhilAustA10
From the Author
First, it was the bed cooling fan, not the one that cools the head
Second, there was nothing wrong. It appears that this fan cooling the filament deposition does not come in until at least the base layer has been deposited, after that it cycles as needed.
Hopefully this will be of help for other newbees who panic like me! My main problem appears to have been a blocked nozzel and poor bed adhesion. Solved with the old painters tape!