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Clog im troath on A10
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:59 pm
by cr4shydlo
I have problem with making filament clog in hotend. What troath is on geeetech a10? I assemble the hotend im this step. I insert the nozzle to the end, then make half turn back, insert the troath with radiator, make 200 C and turn nozzle max. But when i start. Printing on few minutes i get extruder to tick and when i disassemble hotend i see not meltedv filament down in troath near nozzle. I think the ptfe tube goes to end od troath and is cut correct
Re: Clog im troath on A10
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:00 pm
by William
I'm sorry I didn't understand what you mean, is it that the hot end can't be heated? Can videos or pictures be provided?
Here you can upload compressed files.
Re: Clog im troath on A10
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:13 am
by cr4shydlo
Hello. I mean i have this problem :
My ptfe make clog with retraction. I ask , that anyone uses this fix for it under Geeetech :
If yes, how long ptfe i need to cut for oryginal hotend.
Best regards.