Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:34 pm
how to activate the cleaning of the hot head in the basin in Malin?
So it would be very simple to use the control panel of Geetech A10M
Here is the Gcode that works integrated in Cura, but I will have a nozzle cleaning on request in the menu of the printer A10M
how to make the Nozzle clean
My Angalis is not very good because I am French!
I'm trying to progress in Marlin's technique!
début mouvement de purge
G1 Z5 Place la buse a 5mm
M104 S240 Chauffe extrudeur 240°
M190 S100 Chauffe lit 100°
G1 X3 Y155 F5000 ; Purge Position
G1 Z0.30 Decente a 0.3mm pour ""racler"' la buse
G1 Y145 F1000 Déplacement en Y145mm
G1 E5 F50 Extrusion 5mm
G1 Y135 F5000 Déplacement Y 135mm
G1 Z0.6 Déplacement Z 0.6mm
M107 ; Turn off fan
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
a+ Francis
how to activate the cleaning of the hot head in the basin in Malin?
So it would be very simple to use the control panel of Geetech A10M
Here is the Gcode that works integrated in Cura, but I will have a nozzle cleaning on request in the menu of the printer A10M
how to make the Nozzle clean
My Angalis is not very good because I am French!
I'm trying to progress in Marlin's technique!
début mouvement de purge
G1 Z5 Place la buse a 5mm
M104 S240 Chauffe extrudeur 240°
M190 S100 Chauffe lit 100°
G1 X3 Y155 F5000 ; Purge Position
G1 Z0.30 Decente a 0.3mm pour ""racler"' la buse
G1 Y145 F1000 Déplacement en Y145mm
G1 E5 F50 Extrusion 5mm
G1 Y135 F5000 Déplacement Y 135mm
G1 Z0.6 Déplacement Z 0.6mm
M107 ; Turn off fan
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
a+ Francis