Axe Y décalage impression A10M
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:35 pm
Good morning,
This printer A10M works since a complete length of about 20 hours.
Today it is breakdown enclosed of photographs to show problem.
It is about a gap of impression on the axle Y, breakdown is unpredictable according to the moèle but the height or problem starts mm of impression is in about in 3.
Afterwards it is of anything.
We can assume that the driver 4989 of the axle Y is at issue or the motor step by step? it is fundamental question.
I detain no experience in this domain, I really have prove the connectique and the free work mechanics.
Of what do you think of it? fje must turn the printer under guarantee or a refund?
thanks for your help
I proved all mechanical elements straps, pulley, tension of the strap, mechanical games of the tray, connectiques.
The motor 42SHD0034-20B does not heat up; the strap is undamaged.
I think more precisely of the faulty driver 4988 because defect always intervenes at the same height of impression (the cube of 20mm).
Conclusion according to my idea if impression is faulty in the same place we can agree on a repetitive thermal problem.
that I must make return the apparatus or wait for a new driver 4988.
What is your diagnosis?
This printer A10M works since a complete length of about 20 hours.
Today it is breakdown enclosed of photographs to show problem.
It is about a gap of impression on the axle Y, breakdown is unpredictable according to the moèle but the height or problem starts mm of impression is in about in 3.
Afterwards it is of anything.
We can assume that the driver 4989 of the axle Y is at issue or the motor step by step? it is fundamental question.
I detain no experience in this domain, I really have prove the connectique and the free work mechanics.
Of what do you think of it? fje must turn the printer under guarantee or a refund?
thanks for your help
I proved all mechanical elements straps, pulley, tension of the strap, mechanical games of the tray, connectiques.
The motor 42SHD0034-20B does not heat up; the strap is undamaged.
I think more precisely of the faulty driver 4988 because defect always intervenes at the same height of impression (the cube of 20mm).
Conclusion according to my idea if impression is faulty in the same place we can agree on a repetitive thermal problem.
that I must make return the apparatus or wait for a new driver 4988.
What is your diagnosis?