je voudrais connecter mon imprimente i3 prob a mon ordinateur mais je ne suis pas trop fort en informatique
j' ai installer easy print 3 d mais sa ne fonctionne pas merci de vos reponse mon ordi acer aspire
bonne soirer
comment conecter mon imprimente geeetech i3 prob a mon ordi pour les nul
Re: comment conecter mon imprimente geeetech i3 prob a mon ordi pour les nul
Been many years since i ran a Windows system, all Linux now, but check your "Device Manager" (Gestionnaire de périphériques ?) for COM ports connected.
Set the software for that port.
Also I have never tried that particular software, but that should be a good place to start, I guess.
Set the software for that port.
Also I have never tried that particular software, but that should be a good place to start, I guess.