G28 Z Forbidden
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:31 pm
Hi all,
apologies if this has been posted before.
I purchased a GT2560 rev A+ control board from your Amazon shop however on installing this as a replacement to a defective board, and loading the marlin firmware I am getting a "G28 Z forbidden" message when truing to home the z axis also the Z position is displaying 5. when I enter a m119 Gcode I get the following result: X_min open, Y_min open, Z_min open. my printer is a Geeetech pruse i3 pro b with Bltouch auto bed level.
the marlin firmware is the latest and was working perfectly on my previous board.
apologies if this has been posted before.
I purchased a GT2560 rev A+ control board from your Amazon shop however on installing this as a replacement to a defective board, and loading the marlin firmware I am getting a "G28 Z forbidden" message when truing to home the z axis also the Z position is displaying 5. when I enter a m119 Gcode I get the following result: X_min open, Y_min open, Z_min open. my printer is a Geeetech pruse i3 pro b with Bltouch auto bed level.
the marlin firmware is the latest and was working perfectly on my previous board.