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A30T Model Order Triple Color

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:32 am
by chuckthetekkie
Is there a way to tell my A30T the order of the model to print each layer? I have a 2D figure that has an outline which I want printed first and then the inside with a different color and then the last model.

I want each layer to print in the following order:

1. Outline
2. Figure inside
3. Figure's rosy cheeks.

Is that possible using any slicer?

Re: A30T Model Order Triple Color

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:27 am
by Admin
Hello, the printer can only print layer by layer, not what you said.

Re: A30T Model Order Triple Color

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:28 am
by KamsanYoun
chuckthetekkie wrote:
Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:32 am
Is there a way to tell my A30T the order of the model to print each layer? I have a 2D figure that has an outline which I want printed first and then the inside with a different color and then the last model.

I want each layer to print in the following order:

1. Outline
2. Figure inside
3. Figure's rosy cheeks. omegle xender

Is that possible using any slicer?
I can get this for a good deal right now, sub $300. I don't need to print this large very often, but overall what are the thoughts on this vs what else?

Does it actually have an all metal hotend, is it going to be a pain or is it pretty straightforward? I currently have an a10, but I got it used and its in rougher shape than I realized