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Z-Axis shift between left and right!!!

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:02 pm
by tomriddlepotter
Hello all, I have some issue on my A30 with the two steppers left and right. For first I have to say that both stepper drivers are adjusted to 0.9V Vref. Anyway, after a long print for about 10 hours there is a shift of the hight between the left and the right stepper motor (at least 3mm between left and right lead screw). All screws are tightened and the spindles works fine and easy if you power of the motors.
My Idea now is to couple both sides with pulleyes and a belt (but I`m not sure if this is the best way for the stepper).
Has anyone the same problem and solves this with any other solution? :?:

Re: Z-Axis shift between left and right!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:13 am
by William
:D Hi, You can view the z-axis mounting plate and tighten it.

If you still have problems, can you provide specific pictures or question videos?
So that we can solve the problem better.

Re: Z-Axis shift between left and right!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 1:47 am
by _kaktus_
Hello tomriddlepotter.

Your idea is not a bad one, but it will also eliminate another phenomenon you don't know about yet. :D