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Z1 end Z2 - Axes do not move synchronously.
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:06 am
by mobiler62
Hello from Germany, I have a Geeetech-A30. Bought in may 2019 and can not print yet.
Modell: A30
Serial number: 180922A3000040E
Firmware version: V1.38.59
Hardware: V3.1
The two z - axes do not move synchronously. The right z - axis changes in height about 2mm.
I checked and corrected the mechanical parts.
Is a motor faulty?
I am thankful for every help.
Nice greeting
Re: Z1 end Z2 - Axes do not move synchronously.
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:27 am
by William
Hi, You can
- Measure the drive board voltage and adjust it within the range;
- Then check if the rod of the z-axis is bent.
Re: Z1 end Z2 - Axes do not move synchronously.
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:39 am
by KinCatia
I had the same (2 mm out) but I think I've fixed it today see X beam level ... 01#p100214
Today I disconnected the idler side of the X beam and stayed where it was 2 mm too high. (See photos) Looking at the other end where the Stepper motors are there are also 3 screws but 2 are hidden behind the vertical beam. So I remove, lead-screw, motor and the plastic infill strips and rested the beam on the spacer. I took a drill and marked the beam where the 2 holes are in the carriage and then removed the vertical beam and drilled both the holes. Cleaned and reassembled leaving the screws from the carriages into the X beam loose and rested them both on the spacers and tighten them up. I will re mark the Lead-screws and see if they stay in sync. I remember thinking when I first set it up that it felt like I was tight when leveling it. Now there is no preload so I hope it will not skip one side or the other.
I hope that makes sense.
Re: Z1 end Z2 - Axes do not move synchronously.
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:49 am
by mobiler62
Many thanks for the answer. The problem is the stepper drivers of the z-axis A4988. The right one was faulty. How many volts do they need? These are now set to 0.750V. I want to know it very well, please. Do all other stepping drivers have to have the same attitude?
Thank you so much
Re: Z1 end Z2 - Axes do not move synchronously.
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:11 am
by mobiler62
Addition: The right spintel nut of the z-axis I have also corrected with 0.30 mm.