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Angry and disappointed

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:07 am
by gpau
I am very angry and disappointed with my geetech i3 Pro c, to three weeks later after the purchase, I have not managed to set up the printer.
Despite follow the forum and put into practice the advice that I get data there is no way of being able to make a right setting to be able to print.
I Wobble a problem I can not solve. I have removed and reinstalled the printer by checking each piece and yet the problem is still there.
I was given a link on Thiginverse for a piece that should solve the problem. Despite take measures with the caliber and I post on simplify3D for printing the measures they are never right. Every time I made the heated surface setting does not take the distances from the extruder.
Basically I finished a 0,750 grams of PLA coil and have not managed to create anything.
The printer is mounted seguento all your videos and instructions in pdf format.
I do not know what to do.........

Thank you

Re: Angry and disappointed

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 3:59 am
by waldamore
i can understand your anger very well. i also had some trouble asembling mine. the instruction has some fatal errors and i had to improvise a lot.

can you please make some pictures and post links to your previous posts in this forum and also the thingiverse link you mentioned?

without further information, we can not help you.

maybe you simply got some wrong or broken parts!? have you contacted your seller for replacements?
my motherboard had to be replaced. the responded very fast and now i got a new one :-)