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Prusa i3x Endstop trigger assembly instruction discrepancy

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:56 am
by jhoff
There is an obvious discrepancy in the Wiki assembly instructions and the linked You tube video concerning how to assemble this part:

The Wiki states to put on the screw: first a nut, then part A21, then spring, then A22, then final nut.
The Video on the other hand shows: first a nut, then part A22, then spring, then A21, then final nut
Which is correct?

In either case, if the spring is compressed inside of A22, how can it serve any useful function?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Re: Prusa i3x Endstop trigger assembly instruction discrepan

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:07 pm
by Mark
I remember A21 is in the upper position when finished, and yes the string is compressed inside the A22 by the two nuts, it is used to keep the bolt tight enough and not rotate in the A22, so the home position will stay the same even after so many times of homing.