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Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:46 pm
by mga
sorry if I post here, but I did not understand the instructions of homing.
I figured out how to enter the height and report the value also in the firmware. Everything is right.
But the three points awarded with gcode not.
I ask precise instructions. If I impart the Gcode G0 X0 Y50 Z2 and after impart X43,3 G0 Y-25 Z2 happens a trouble with the coordinate axes: it is as if the proper publisher does not take the coordinates from the point 0, but from where it is at that time, that is, as if the source were to follow the previous move (this is what I interpret it). Can anyone give me directions? Could you explain in a simple homing (not the height Z ... because that's understandable ...)

Re: Homing

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 4:51 pm
by Mark
"it is as if the proper publisher does not take the coordinates from the point 0, but from where it is at that time, that is, as if the source were to follow the previous move "
If you take a long time to do the next step, you 'll find that the motors are all unlocked themselves and they will regard the current coordinates as their original coordinates, so they "follow the previous move" I think. and homing is just click the home button, all the axes will go up, hit the endstop and find it's home position.