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Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each round

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:21 pm
by MarcusMGT

ich have an Rostock 301 and its prints fine with Repetier and Slic3r. BUT i want to use Simplify 3d. Whatever i try doest work.
The printer always pause after, for example, an outline round and accelerates again. The problem is, in that pause and the acceleration the outcoming filament makes ugly corners.

Its like: start printing... one round... infill... z hight change... start point... PAUSE... ACCELERATE... travel around... infill... z hight... start point ... PAUSE... ACCELERATE... and so on

I want a continous movement.

Anyone the same problem? What code does simplify add wich Slic3er doesnt???

Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:51 am
by Veenoh
Hi Marcus,

I'm sorry I can't answer your question about Simplify3D but I'm interested in how you got your 301 printing well. Did you have to make any mods that others have discussed, like changing to metal extruders, raising the stepper voltage, etc?

No matter what I have done, my stepper motors cannot push sufficient filament through the hot end, apparently due to the excessive force required by the hot end. The only way I have gotten it to print is with PLA at 210 degrees or more and, even then, it only works with one of the extruders.



Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:59 am
by MarcusMGT
Hi Dave,

i absolutely agree with you... All i want in general is
the print with simplify3D.
The second step will be the 3 color print. But as far
as i checked it, i will get the same problems with the filament pressure and
insufficient flow.
I was hoping to get this to work with simplify. At the moment
i am not really happy with that printer.
When i said "it prints fine" yeah ok that was with just one color...

Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 4:59 pm
by raoulito9
would you share your simplify 3D config files ?
Thank you..

For your pla flow problem :
1 use metal extruders
2 raise vrefs extrudres as high as possible (1.05 for me)
3 heat head at 215 for PLA


Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:29 pm
by MarcusMGT

use metal extruders?? The Rostock 301 has a diamond hotend!
I checked all Simplify settings! This is not my first 3d printer!
I dont want an answer how to print! I want to know if anyone has an idea about the stop and reaccelerate behaviour like
i described it!
For example on the skirt lines and perimeter shells: the printer starts... travels the shape... stops and reaccalerate for the next round.
All other printers travel round per round without a stop, just a quick movment that the line is next to the other.
I think its the firmware, cause all other printers dont show that behaviour with the same gcode.
maybe i need to change something in the code manually, but i need a hint or idea what it is!

Regards Marcus

Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:23 pm
by raoulito9

Metal extruder <> from hotend...
This is the piece close to steppers that push filament into bowden. Stock are crappy plastic ones.
This will help to push correctly filament. do as you feel

I am asking you, for my own tryes, your simplify config files. I did not intend to learn to you how to print.

Thank you.

Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:10 am
by Veenoh

Pending you posting your Simplify3D config files for people to review and comment, you might want to look at this link: ... k-301.html

Herman describes his experience with Simplify3d and the 301, and posts a video showing his settings.


Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:47 am
by raoulito9
Thank you Veenoh.
Great link.

Re: Slicing with simplify 3d ... Rostock 301 pause on each r

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:32 pm
by MarcusMGT

in case anyone will have the same problem too i provide the solution.
I finally found out on my own.
In Simplify is an option wich overrides the internal firmware settings!
The option is in the FFF Process settings -> "G-Code" -> "Update Firmware Configuration"
this box needs to be unchecked!
Now its working good. Thanks for all your ideas to help.

Regards Marcus