Geeetech A30M, Use Extruder 2 driver to X axis motor GTM32_103_V1
Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:49 am
Dear forum members,
My A30M has GTM32_103_V1 board from the A30T. So I do not use My Extruder 2, it was free.
My printers X carridge driver some reason is broken, and I want to use E2 as X carridge. I find the open sourc firmware, and finde the step_motor.h where is defined the motor pins, like :
#define Enable_X_Axis() GPIOA->BRR = GPIO_Pin_15
#define Disable_X_Axis() GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_Pin_15-------it was
#define X_DIR_L GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13)
#define X_DIR_H GPIO_SetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13)
#define X_STEP_L GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14)---- it was 6
#define X_STEP_H GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14) ------ It was 6
I compail the firmware in GTM-32-IAR, it make me the BIN file. but the screen on the printer is not go to live,it is only black.
I think that it has may other setting, what need to set, in firmware to handle my printers mainboard, and lcd.
My question is, HAS someone experience what need to set in firmware to work right with my A30m ?
My A30M has GTM32_103_V1 board from the A30T. So I do not use My Extruder 2, it was free.
My printers X carridge driver some reason is broken, and I want to use E2 as X carridge. I find the open sourc firmware, and finde the step_motor.h where is defined the motor pins, like :
#define Enable_X_Axis() GPIOA->BRR = GPIO_Pin_15
#define Disable_X_Axis() GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_Pin_15-------it was
#define X_DIR_L GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13)
#define X_DIR_H GPIO_SetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13)
#define X_STEP_L GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14)---- it was 6
#define X_STEP_H GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14) ------ It was 6
I compail the firmware in GTM-32-IAR, it make me the BIN file. but the screen on the printer is not go to live,it is only black.
I think that it has may other setting, what need to set, in firmware to handle my printers mainboard, and lcd.
My question is, HAS someone experience what need to set in firmware to work right with my A30m ?