G2S Extruder Troubleshooting Request

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Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:54 pm

Re: G2S Extruder Troubleshooting Request

Post by JHill42 » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:54 pm

Hello Mark,

The thermistors all seem to read the right room temp. The hotend fan is working (but there is an error in the instructions - it has you connect the PWM fan to ground and sense - no harm, but that is probably why so many people can't get it to work). I turn on the hotend fan to full using an M command in the startup codes in slicer, otherwise it doesn't seem to turn on while printing. My big problem is that the PLA seems to stay liquid way too long and stick to the nozzle. I'm not sure if it is because I'm moving too fast (what should the travel rate settings be)? Because the PLA is not solidifying the print tends to get pulled over. I do print a 25mm brim which comes out great - so I think it is leveled OK. The prints seem to stick well to the print surface (either 60C glass or room temp glass with glue stick).

Any help you can provide would be appreciated.



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