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Extruder quited job

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:29 pm
by Denis
Hello Guys,

i have a Prusa i3 pro B printer and was very happy with it.

But now my extruder isnt doing anything anymore.
All my axis are working fine. I can manually drive them with the LCD or with my USB connection.

The Extrudermotor itself is working, i switched its connection cable to the x Axis and it is moving. So i thougt the Problem is due to the A4988 driver.
I changed the extruder driver with the x Axis driver and the x Axis is still working like it should.
So now there is only the gt2560 board, which causes the Problem.
I bought a new gt2560 board and uploaded the software "Marlin-PI3_Pro_B" (with arduino 1.0.1) but exactly the same Problem apears.

Now i cant imagine what causes the Problem.

Can someone help me out?


Re: Extruder quited job

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:59 am
by William
You should know the extruder can work when the temp is above 180 degrees.