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Sanguino Not Working

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:54 am
by Ilikechubs
When I turn my Prusa i3 Pro 3D Printer on, the LCD flickers, and turns off. No characters were shown. I read the lcd voltage, and it says 1.35 volts. The fans turn on, and the red led on the boards turns on. When I connect the Sanguino to my computer, my computer says it is not connected. When I turn the 3D printer off, the LCD turns on, but then immediately off. I do not know what is wrong. Please Help.

Re: Sanguino Not Working

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:58 am
by Mark
how about just connect the USB to the board, does the LCD turn on? and just the PSU?
and the output of the PSU, is it 12V? the 5v on the board, is it actually 5V when powered on with PSU?