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Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:16 pm
by AteeBull

Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:21 pm
by AteeBull
What will be the script 5 be? or should i leave it blank?

Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:27 pm
by William
Yep,you can leave it blank.

Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:20 pm
i did not have right guidance to upload the firmware to my Rostock 301.
I initially tried to upload without running flash program and without putting the jumper.
now when I tried in the correct way
it says "jump app fail"
all the time
i have tried several times
does that mean my mother board is corruptued?
thank you for anybody`s comment on this

Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:04 pm
by William
Have you fixed it?

Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:20 am
by Lami René
Bonjour aux employés de Geeetech,

Avez-vous une solution pour la procédure de mise à jour sous Linux Kubuntu du micrologiciel "Firmeware" pour l'imprimante Rostock 301 et de sa carte contrôleur GTM32 Pro ?

J'ai trouvé dans les dépôts standard de Linux Kubuntu 16.04 64 bits en français les logiciels Arduino IDE, CuteCom et Moserial. Avec chacun de ces logiciels il est possible de graver des micrologiciels "firmware" sur vos cartes contrôleurs, mais cela n'est pas à vos clients comme moi d'écrire la procédure pour réaliser cette opération de mise à jour sous Linux.

Je pense que vos techniciens pourraient utiliser un de ces logiciels pour nous indiquer la configuration logicielle et les détails de la procédure à suivre pour graver la dernière version du micrologiciel "Firmeware" pour l'imprimante Rostock 301 et de la carte contrôleur GTM32 Pro sous Linux et honorer son engagement de fournir une solution pour les ordinateurs avec Linux et Macintosh.

C'est écrit sur votre site Web que les systèmes d'exploitation supportés sont "Software: Operating system: Windows/Mac/Linux" (voir onglet "Specification") : ... -1008.html


L'ami René
P.-s. J'ai l'imprimante depuis le 27 octobre 2016 (version 1.1.0 A) et je n'ai toujours rien imprimé avec, c'est choquant...

Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:22 am
by z3d
yes I got this 301 rostock3d printer last year some time and I am having a heck of a time setting my firmware up. when I first put this thing together before I hooked it up to the computer I could "home" the thing but now that I hooked up the firmware my screen is just giving me 2 black bars. and now I have to I think get the old wrong firmware off of the mother board right? sorry new to all this and I don't have a clue on what I am doing but if you could give me a little insight on how to take firmware off of the mother board so I can put the right one back on it. do I have to do some "burning steps" ? why do I have to download stuff on the 3d printer shouldn't it already have what it needs on it? do I need to connect 2 wires with a connector when I do my" burning steps"? my main problem is when I try and connect to my 3d printer through the hyper terminal it will not connect it at all? sorry for all the questions I just have not a clue what I am doing can ya tell lol. thanks for any help.


Re: Rostock 301(GTM32 Pro)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:20 am
by Cup
z3d wrote:yes I got this 301 rostock3d printer last year some time and I am having a heck of a time setting my firmware up. when I first put this thing together before I hooked it up to the computer I could "home" the thing but now that I hooked up the firmware my screen is just giving me 2 black bars. and now I have to I think get the old wrong firmware off of the mother board right? sorry new to all this and I don't have a clue on what I am doing but if you could give me a little insight on how to take firmware off of the mother board so I can put the right one back on it. do I have to do some "burning steps" ? why do I have to download stuff on the 3d printer shouldn't it already have what it needs on it? do I need to connect 2 wires with a connector when I do my" burning steps"? my main problem is when I try and connect to my 3d printer through the hyper terminal it will not connect it at all? sorry for all the questions I just have not a clue what I am doing can ya tell lol. thanks for any help.

You can refer to the following post to re-flash your firmware(the latest version is 1.0.02):
And remember to unplug the jumper cap from the "BOOT0" connector if you plugged it before.