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MeCreator2 Z axis steps

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:44 am
by inverted
Received my first 3D printer (MeCreator 2) just yesterday so I'm a complete noob regarding this.

Unfortunately, one of the end stops is broken out of the box and while waiting for the new one, I was browsing through firmware settings and came across something I find strange

This is the line from Configuration.h:

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {80,80,400,93} // MXL, Z M8=1.25, MK8

G code M503 returns the same values
Steps per unit:
M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z400.00 E93.00

If the belt is true MXL than belt pitch should be 2.03mm and with 20 tooth belt pulley that equals to 78.82 steps (presuming standard 200 steps per revolution motor and 1/16 stepping)
Let's round it to 79

Can there be a difference between what is mathematically correct and what is written in firmware?

Z axis steps a much more confusing to me!

I presume that motor and driver are the same.
It uses M8-1.25mm pitch screw
With direct drive it would have 2560 steps
Gear ratio 6:1 would put out 426 steps
Firmware states 400 steps

Does it have some strange gear ratio or some other kind of gearbox to get this 400 steps figure or is this a mistake in firmware or maybe I really don't have any idea of what I'm talking about?

Please, excuse my ignorance, today is my first day with 3D printer so I'm still trying to get the grasp on everything

BTW: Can someone explain to me why I don't get any response on M501 Gcode?
I had to use M503 to get current settings

Thank you!

Re: MeCreator2 Z axis steps

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:10 am
by inverted

I'm about to upload modified firmware to the board (I've recalibrated extruder and length of X axis) so I would like to deal with this question also

I've opened the bottom of the printer and got the motor number but searching for it gave no results
It looks like there are no gears so there should be no gear ratio involved

It seems that it is not a standard NEMA 17 (200 steps per revolution) motor but something with much coarser movement
Something like 32 steps per revolution (11,25 degrees per step)

I understand the need for a motor with coarser movement because Z axis is handling the weight of the bed and bed support.

If anyone could shed some light on the motor specs?

Thank you!