Adjusting DVR8825 Vref
Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:55 pm
Seen a lot of posts regarding stepper motor issues. I have the DRV8825 Pololu Stepper Drivers and 42BYGHW8111Stepper Motors which come with my Acryllic I3. Initially I did not bother to adjust the drivers out of the box and printed using as is. However, one day I touched my X axis motor housing one day while it was in the middle of the print and noticed it was scorching hot! Same with the Y motor. Decided to check Vref and it was cranked up to 2 volts. Turned it down to .8 volts and it runs quiet, gets very warm but not hot. Figured it would help to make the motors last a lot longer. Vref on the Z-axis was 1.8V but decided to leave it there as the driver is supplying current to 2 motors anyway. Here's a quick pic of where to probe when adjusting the DRV8825.
Probe right on the screw. Black meter cable is attached to ground.