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Motors not moving only humming.

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:21 am
by pumacat311
I just finished assembling and setting up the i3 pro b. I have installed the software on my computer and connected and when I use the arrows to test the motors they don't move they only humm. I had the y axis moving for a bit so I switched stepper drivers between y and x axis which made the x axis work but not the y. This obviously made me think it was an issue with the stepper drivers. So I removed and re installed the 4 driver boards hoping maybe they just needed reseating or something however this did not help. Now none of the motors barely move. They him, and maybe jerk a bit but that's it. Please help. Been dealing with this for days. Thank you

Re: Motors not moving only humming.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:12 pm
by zhangxueyou
Did you change the firmware? What is mainboard type? Are all the jumper caps plugged under motor drivers(12 in all)?