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Heat Bed not heating

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:19 am
by Xantheus
Good afternoon, all...

I received my A20M a couple of weeks ago, and it worked like a champ, right out of the box... for less than a week. My preferred material is PETG, which will not work consistently, without a heated bed. After a few days of small prints coming out nearly perfect, I flipped on my machine and began heating for a new print and was greatly disappointed to find that the bed temp was not moving. I check the light under the bed, and it was flashing (as it always did). I turned off the machine, and checked the solder connections, all of which seemed to be intact. I unfastened the cover and checked the connections to the board. All seemed to be solid...

I went onto the Wiki, and checked the voltages at the suggested locations, and they all checked out (including the fuse, which surprised me). I turned on the machine, again, and the light was no longer coming on. I've submitted a ticket to Geeetech, but I haven't received any response. I don't want to send this printer back, but I fear I may have to... Can anyone think of anything that I might be able to check to save myself a month of waiting time for a replacement (probably more, so close to Xmas)? I would appreciate any input anyone has on this. I love this machine, when it's working! Prints were consistent and BEAUTIFUL! But I don't think it's reasonable to expect the customer to jump through these troubleshooting hoops less than a week after powering up the machine for the first time... I'm open to any reasonable suggestion.

Re: Heat Bed not heating

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:33 am
by William
If the led of the heatbed light.
It means the heatbed wants to heat.The temp of it won't change means there are something have a short circuit/The PSU have a problem.
1.Try to remove the clamps of the heatbed
2.Replace the thermistor and test it
3.Check the heatbed input voltage when you set the temp of it to 60C

Re: Heat Bed not heating

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:26 pm
by Xantheus
1. The heated bed LED stopped heating after the first time I uncovered the mainboard, and retried the bed temp adjustment.

2. I tried removing the heat bed clamps (along with the other suggestions on the wiki). If clamps on the heat bed are sufficient to keep the bed from heating, this machine has bigger problems, altogether... This PHYSICAL adjustment should not have an impact on the ELECTRONIC function, unless the clamps were somehow crimping a connection, somewhere. This does not make sense, but I've already tried it, just to rule it out. - No joy.

3. I'm not replacing the thermistor. After less than a week, I should not be having to replace ANYTHING. I should not be having to troubleshoot a BRAND NEW MACHINE, in this manner.

4. I was probably remiss in not mentioning that my school was in EET. Troubleshooting a mainboard for voltages is not one of the things I overlooked.

My problem is not that I am unaware of how to check... it's that those things that I did check did not yield any answers. Furthermore, both Geeetech and Gearbest seem to want to not provide anything of any real value, by way of customer support. Gearbest, at this point, has asked for video TWICE. The second time, claiming they "had no access" to the video I sent them, DIRECTLY (along with pictures). I reached out to the community to see if there was anything that was not obvious. Having already followed the layman's "script" in troubleshooting, I was looking for something a little more in-depth, that might not be readily observable.

I thank you for the effort but, I have already tried all of the basics, and have come up empty. I honestly do appreciate your effort, and that you took the time to even respond. I just need a little more than the "standard" responses (like calling NetGear, and being told to power cycle the router...).

- X

Re: Heat Bed not heating

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:09 pm
by _kaktus_

Life is brutal ... :roll:

You have provided a fairly detailed description of the fault. That's good, it gives a full picture of what's going on. ;)

These clips mentioned by William the same evil ...
We have already had here on the forum cases where they made a short circuit on a painted heating plate. :(

If you have a multimeter, I can propose several tests.
This way we will be able to perform diagnostics.